zoë wittering photographe

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moments that made my year - 2023

  • Climbing 1600 steps, starting in the dark, to arrive at Machu Picchu at 6am on new year’s day.

  • Seeing my children’s faces as they stood in the middle of one of the seven wonder’s of the world.

  • Drinking jugs of pisco sour in a tiny crowded restaurant in Cuzco.

  • Eating chocolate birthday cake in a flower filled hotel courtyard.

  • Morning walks, nearly every day.

  • Long runs, tired legs and a cleaned out mind.

  • Reading over 60 books.

  • Watching the sun rise from Montmartre on a cold February morning.

  • Watching the sun set from a hot sticky beach in Marseille in June.

  • Full moons through the trees as the night ends.

  • Hearing the cuckoo sing the beginning of spring.

  • Swimming in the north sea with my girls and nieces.

  • Aperitifs by the pool.

  • Coffee and croissants at the river.

  • Sunday afternoon walks.

  • Celebrating birthdays with party hats and polaroids.

  • Developing my own film.

  • Photographing strangers.

  • Staring at the stars.

  • Quiet shared breakfasts.

  • Growing sunflowers from seed.

  • Climbing to the top of mountains.

  • Warm frothy milk on my coffee.

  • Butterflies in my stomach again and again.

  • Sunsets at Mont Serein.

  • Drawn out summer card games.

  • Rainbows over the hills.

  • Dancing after slightly too much wine with Gemma, Adam and David.

  • Runs and workouts with Hannah and Ben.

  • Portraits of my children, on repeat.

  • A birthday present necklace from my sisters.

  • Whatsapp messages first thing in the morning that say love.

  • Pockets of sunlight on the wall.

  • The old rose by the kitchen window flowering abundantly.

  • Chats with Luca on the way back from rugby.

  • Deep summer self portraits.

  • Drinks with friends I don’t see enough.

  • Beach walks.

  • Walks in the forest with the dog and the boys.

  • Sitting on a paddle watching shoals of fish dart backwards and forwards.

  • Falling…over and over… and so very much more.

Some of the most beautiful moments weren’t photographed. And that is ok. We get one shot - grab life!

2024 - let’s go!